Hi There, My name is Akshay Sabade. Below is short description about myself
I’m a Data Science professional with B.S. in Information Technology, MBA in Finance and MS in Data Scinece as a background. I have Data Science and Big Data Analytics certification from MIT with relatively good exposure in Machine Learning Techniques. I have experience in solving business problems from various domains such as Finance, Healthcare, Marketing, and Manufacturing with the help of large amount of data along with cutting-edge tools and technologies. Working knowledge of Python, R, SQL, Julia, Spark, JAVA, MATLAB, Hadoop HDFS, MapReduce, Spark, Hive and Tableau. My strong quantitative and qualitative analytical skills provide me capability in Data Science and Quantitative Analysis. I have high degree of comfort with large amount of data from multiple sources. My passion is keeping upto date information about machine learning developements
This blog is my portfolio of projects.